Our wish for you is good health, happiness, and a prosperous New Year!
Well, we’re definitely beginning to settle in here. There’s not too much to report on while we work on getting organized in the house, so it won’t be necessary to send out a “daily” journal.
The past 2 days I’ve spent fine tuning the living room & my business computer setup. Yesterday I assembled a couple floor lamps & replaced the plugs on 4 lamps with the European 220v style. Today I finished cleaning up our old stereo speakers & hooked them up the receiver I had out in the studio… now I have my music! So I was jammin’ with Jimmy Buffet all afternoon!
We finally hung the shower curtain in the middle bath (the only shower that’s working at the moment), so I gave the whole bathroom a good cleaning today and fixed the medicine cabinet.
I’m having trouble coming up with things that I can do without getting Scott involved. I really would like to start painting, but there are other things that need done first… like replacing some of the wood in the cabinets. And until Scott is ready to get involved in that, I’ll just have to wait.
He’s almost finished mounting the lights in the workshop. Not sure what he plans for his next project.
Thought you might find this interesting… here’s a list of some prices for things in the grocery stores here:
Bisquick, 40 oz. ..................... $5.24
Ground Beef, 1 lb.................... 3.89
Eggs, 1/2 doz. ......................... $1.70 (var. sizes & colors together!)
Baking Powder, Calumet............ 2.17
Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese... 4.96
Applesauce, 25 oz. IGA............. 3.11
Spaghetti Sauce, Ragu 26 oz...... 4.93
Pork & Beans, can..................... 1.22
Kiwi fruit, 1 whole....................... .67
Peanuts in shell, 10 oz............... 2.73
Spaghetti Squash, $1.97/lb......... 4.90
Peas, 1 lb. Frozen...................... 2.12
Skim Milk, 1 liter (shelf milk)....... 3.68
Margarine................................. 2.05
NOTE: This is finally the last entry I've been trying to catch up with! Next time I'll be current with the date posted.
This afternoon we took a trip to the post office to mail some letters & check our mail. We’ve had the box for a few months now, but I don’t think we’ve ever received any mail yet! (In case I haven’t told you… I can’t check the mail because our box is so high up that I can’t reach it! Scott can reach it, but he can’t see inside.) So we went inside to ask for our mail. The woman behind the counter told us that we hadn’t paid the bill for the box! (Scott paid for a year just 2 months ago!) We could see that there was mail for us, but she kept saying we had to pay for the box. Fortunately we happened to have the receipt to show them that we paid, then she gave us our mail. I think there was confusion about whoever had that box before us. I’ve heard that the mail delivery system here in Grenada is really not reliable… now I see how that can be true!
We also stopped for groceries today… with our shopping list in hand! Looking at the prices in the meat department, I think we’re going to be eating a LOT of chicken down here! Meals are going to be a bit of a challenge… at least until we figure out the best way to stretch our dollars. So guess what we had for dinner tonight? You guessed it… chicken!
We met a couple from Texas that was walking down our street this evening. They are mennonite missionaries living just up the road. Said they’ve been here for about 9 months, but are scheduled to be here for 33 months. We talked with them for about a half hour at the bottom of our driveway.
We also stopped to see our friends Mike & Jackie. They’ve been working on re-tiling the floor in their house. They have 4 apartments they rent to the college students. They’re trying to get a lot of work done before the kids come back for the school year. I think they said the first ones will arrive in early August. Before we left their place, Mike gave us a piece of fruit he called a “french kashew”. I’m not sure of the spelling, but that’s exactly how it sounded. So I’m thinking it might be called a French Cashew… but it looks like an apple! Haven’t tried it yet, but I’ll let you know how it tastes!
One thing I noticed is that there are a lot of dogs running around here! They just wander all around the neighborhood, sometimes in packs. I’m not even sure if most of them belong to anyone. A lot of them are a bit on the thin side, and I don’t think anyone gets their dogs spayed or neutered. There are at least 2 hanging around at our neighbor’s house (across from our driveway). Every morning there’s one out behind the house. We’re planning to plant a vegetable garden, but I’m told we’ll have to figure out a way to keep the dogs out of it.
Photo description: Main Post OfficeNot much unpacking was done today… except for a second computer. I spent the day assembling Scott’s old computer desk, and setting up this desktop computer for both of us to use. That pretty much took most of the day!
I had trouble getting my antivirus program to work, so I ended up contacting Symantec for help. It was amazing to watch the tech “take over my computer” and make the adjustments from their location… probably India! I sat & watched my screen as the cursor moved about. They ended up removing all remnants of the program on my computer, then downloading a newer version & installed it… all while I watched!
Then I had trouble figuring out how to transfer my email messages from my laptop to here. Of course, in the process I lost a few messages… so if you sent me something today & didn’t hear back, try sending it again.
In the grocery stores, American brands are quite expensive. So until we figure out exactly what some of the local items ARE in the stores, our fridge is sparsely stocked. I asked Scott what he wanted for dinner tonight… hot dogs, canned tuna, or Spam? He suggested we walk down to the neighborhood mart to see what they have. I guess you could call it our local “convenience” store… Sunshine’s Shopping Mart. Turns out the only thing they had in the way of meat was chicken wings. We bought a pack of rolls, some onions, baked beans, and yeast for my breadmaker. Then we came home & fried up some Spam and opened a can of beans! Looks like we might have to head into town tomorrow.
But then, we always have the fresh fruit out of the backyard! Scott brought in a few avocados today. I tried one, but I don’t think they’re ripe yet… it was pretty bitter tasting. I was told they’re usually ready around mid-August.
Scott continued working in his shop… painting and installing fluorescent lighting. And I now have a dedicated transformer for my computer.
We’ve both started taking garlic pills a few times a day… hoping that helps with the mosquito bites. Personally… I don’t think it’s helping.
A number of hard rain showers today, along with lots of wind. I saw how the local birds get their “birdbaths”. During the rain I watched a dove sitting on the electric line outside my window… slowly lift up one wing, then alternating to the other. I guess there’s no need for wasting energy splashing around in a puddle!
Photo description: Sunshine's Shopping Mart