Hope everyone is having a pleasant Labor Day weekend! We've been following the path of Hurricane Gustav & TS Hanna. Gustav actually passed over us (last Saturday)... while it was still a tropical depression. He just gave us a day full of rain and a few gusts of wind. We're sitting here tonight checking in on Louisiana's preparation for when he makes landfall in the US. Hopefully, he won't cause any major catastrophes.
Today we worked around the house (again). While Scott worked on trimming the grass (we weedwhack here instead of "mowing"), I pulled weeds & cleared the yard of rotten fruit. We "attacked" a few of the banana trees that were covered with vines & cleaned up around the base of them. Then we mounted a set of shelves Scott made for above the slop sink in the carport. I painted the base of the sink after that. While I cleaned up the mess, Scott worked on repairing a small window on the back door that's been broken since we moved in. And I think I saw my first scorpion! It certainly looked like one... but I thought they were much bigger. It was only about 3/4 inch long (curled up). I found it when I was sweeping up the carport.
The past few weeks I've been working on what we call the PINK bedroom. There was a lot of touch-up work to do since there was pink paint splattered on everything. I've finished repainting the room (a beautiful warm beige!), cleaned the windows, scraped the pink paint spots off the linoleum floor, stripped & waxed the floor, cleaned up the closet doors & removed paint from the mirror (whew!). We now have room for one overnight guest! (Unless you want to get cozy with 2 on a twin bed!) I still need to get the curtains done for the room, and do a little more touch-up work on the dresser. (Photo shows the pink room when we first stayed in the house.)
We're having a little trouble with cell phones this week. The Motorola Razr flip phone I gave Scott to use (with the Grenada phone number) just died this week... a blank white screen is all we get. We still had the Nokia phone that we got with the Grenada SIM card, so we just moved the card back over to that phone... but it needed to be charged. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention (again) to the voltage situation and I plugged it into the same adapter we'd been charging the flip phone on. So now I've "fried" that phone too! No... Scott was NOT happy about having to find a way to fix this problem! But being the electronic "wizard" that he is, he finally got the charger to work again. We're still not sure the phone wasn't damaged, but it seems to be working now. By the way... if anyone out there has an old (unlocked) Motorola Razr phone they want to get rid of... or trade for my Palm Treo - give me a shout!
Wanna get an idea of what it's like driving in Grenada? I used the video mode on my little point & shoot camera and then posted a couple short videos (on YouTube) of part of our drive from home to town. Let me know what you think! Here's Part 1:
... and here's Part 2 (taken the next day):
1 comment:
Hey Crystal, I bet that would be a fun road to drive in the dark when those rocks just suddenly appear in the road! I had the sudden impulse of fear when that truck came whipping around the corner on the "wrong" side of the road! That must be some getting used to. The video was fun to watch...reminds me of the back roads in the interior of Puerto Rico... Joan
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