Today was Day 4 of a rainy spell we're in at the moment. This stretch of rain began on Saturday... as a matter of fact, we skipped the hash this weekend because of it. Last night it blew so hard during the rain storm that I was awakened by the sprinkles hitting me (from the open window across the room)! Until today, we've been cooped up looking for indoor projects.
I was scheduled to go to town this morning to pick up my new "cruiser" friend, Debbie. We made a plan to test out a recipe for pie dough today, and wouldn't let the rain stop us! Because of all the rain, I came across a number of land slides along the way... many of them closing down at least half of the roadway. I've included a few photos with this entry. The one that covers the whole road was on the way back to my house (the back road to town). When we came upon it, there was no where to turn around, so I ended up backing quite a distance down the hill before I came to a driveway that I could turn around in. Since I'm not very familiar with some of the other back roads, plus the thought that I might run into more land slides on the smaller roads... I chose to go nearly back to town to get on the main road home.

Debbie brought the Thanksgiving turkey with her today, along with some other supplies for our upcoming dinner. She doesn't have a car here, so she's become very experienced at getting around on the bus system here. Instead of driving her back to her boat, she had me take her to town to catch a bus the rest of the way. So I took a route I don't normally take to get her to the bus station in St. George's... that's the photo with the cruise ship in the background. Woo-eeee! Is that street ever steep!!! I was a little nervous driving down the hill, thinking I was going to start slipping! But I had no trouble at all. There were 3 cruise ships in today. I felt bad for the passengers because of all the rain. I don't know that this is normal for this time of year.

Well, I'm back to working on my living room curtains! Looks like I'll still have at least one more rainy day to fill... they say the sun isn't expected to come out before Thursday! Speaking of that, you'll notice a gray pipe on the left side of one of the photos here... that's the water line. I noticed today that we no longer have warm water coming out of the

Enjoy the photos! Now, go back up to the top of the page and check out the new poll I've added on the right column! Tell me what you want to hear more about!
1 comment:
I see 75.1° on the themometer and it sure looks good compared to the 27° last night. Snow flurries fell over most of the area yesterday.
We look forward to your posts.
Lloyd & Sandi
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