22 inches...
That's what Scott announced to me today... "22 inches". Of course, I had no idea what that could possibly mean, but at the time I was busy painting so I didn't bother responding. He then said it again later in the day... "22 inches". Finally I had to ask... "Which means what?" He then says, "22 inches is how wide the bathroom door is." By now I'm pretty curious because I still have no idea what he's talking about. Well, we've been planning to put the washer & dryer (which are still packed in the boxes) in the master bathroom... there's plenty of space in there. But here's the problem... they're 23-1/2 inches wide. Oh well, I've been hand washing my own laundry but using an old washer that was left here for cleaning old work clothes. (It doesn't do a very good job of cleaning.) So I'll continue hand-washing for a while longer. He still hasn't figured out how we're going to get them working on this electric system anyway. Gotta come up with a Plan B!
I made a mistake the other night... about the mongoose in the photo on my previous entry. We discovered that it was NOT a mongoose, but something they call a "manicou"... which is simply their version of a possum! (We're still having trouble understanding the Caribbean lingo!) Click here to see a description: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opossum
The lizards here are just so cute! There are 2 distinctive ones that have been hanging around... we see them every day. One is fairly large... about a foot long including his tail. I've named him Mr. Big. He's much bigger than all the other ones we've seen. Then there's another one missing his tail. I call him "Tail-less Joe" (like Shoeless Joe Jackson?). He's only about 4-5 inches long. I was so close to Tail-less Joe today that my paintbrush could have poked out his eye! He was lounging on a bush while I was painting the steps to the veranda. Seriously, he was all stretched out on the branch like he was taking an afternoon nap! If I made too much noise, he'd open his eye to peer at me... but didn't move any part of the rest of his body! They seem to be very curious and interested in us... I think we could easily make them our pets! Joe is beginning to grow a new tail... don't know how I'll tell him apart from the others then!
I painted between the raindrops today... trying to time it so the stuff I painted had a little chance to dry before getting wet. I'm hoping to get a call that our terra cotta sconces are ready tomorrow. We ordered them to be glazed dark green to match our trim & roof color. Once we get them installed, I'll take another photo for you.
This evening (before dark) we took a quick drive over toward LaSagesse, which is a beach area on the Atlantic (east) side of the island... not far from us. We stopped at a roadside bar called Runaway Bar. Beer was cheap here ($4 EC per bottle), and it was a nice little place... with a pool table. We'll have to stop in there again sometime. They were very nice there. Other than that... we haven't been out & about for some time!
Till next time...
1 comment:
Boy, what a pain in the a** getting into this. Too many sites requiring too many passwords. Yuck.
Anyway, all is good here with frost warnings out for northern PA. Into the 40's here tonight.
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