Yesterday was another "hash" day... a special one because they usually only do them every other week, and we just had the Halloween Hash last Saturday. Yesterday's hash trail was set because a local guy (Jah-wah) wanted to set it for his birthday. I tried (unsuccessfully) to talk Scott out of going. I didn't want to go because it was raining in the morning, and I'm still having trouble with the shoes I wear for these things. Here's the problem... I have a great pair of hiking boots that I wore to our first hash (in the mud, remember?). But since your feet and ankles swell down here, they've become too small and cause severe blisters on my heels. (I didn't think about that when I bought them back in PA!) So the only other pair of shoes that I can "sacrifice" to the mud trails are a pair of old sneaks that I used for mowing grass... they're not very good at gripping on hillside mud trails. So I knew that the rain in the morning would cause a muddy trail and figured I'd end up on my rear end at some point along the way!
Well, after a few graceful splits, and another near splat... I actually made it through with only a little mud on my hands (from catching myself during one of those splits)! There was one point in this trek where I had to use my hands to help climb an extremely steep road. It was a concrete road (with grooves cut in for traction) that was so steep I couldn't stand on it! My shoes were slippery and wouldn't grip on the wet road very well. When I peered back over my shoulder, I envisioned myself skidding all the way back down to the bottom! And THAT would have been the end of my hashing! I'm thinking... this is a ROAD that someone actually drives up???!!!

Anyway, I had the most fun on this hash because we met some more fun people!
The photo messed up the beginning of your text. Here it is:
Yesterday was another "hash" day... a special one because they usually only do them every other week, and we just had the Halloween Hash last Saturday.
Enjoying what you guys are doing. Keep it up...
Lloyd & Sandi
Wow, didn't know you could do splits! And at your age! Sounds like you are staying in shape and having lots of fun!
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