Well, we’re definitely beginning to settle in here. There’s not too much to report on while we work on getting organized in the house, so it won’t be necessary to send out a “daily” journal.
The past 2 days I’ve spent fine tuning the living room & my business computer setup. Yesterday I assembled a couple floor lamps & replaced the plugs on 4 lamps with the European 220v style. Today I finished cleaning up our old stereo speakers & hooked them up the receiver I had out in the studio… now I have my music! So I was jammin’ with Jimmy Buffet all afternoon!
We finally hung the shower curtain in the middle bath (the only shower that’s working at the moment), so I gave the whole bathroom a good cleaning today and fixed the medicine cabinet.
I’m having trouble coming up with things that I can do without getting Scott involved. I really would like to start painting, but there are other things that need done first… like replacing some of the wood in the cabinets. And until Scott is ready to get involved in that, I’ll just have to wait.
He’s almost finished mounting the lights in the workshop. Not sure what he plans for his next project.
Thought you might find this interesting… here’s a list of some prices for things in the grocery stores here:
Bisquick, 40 oz. ..................... $5.24
Ground Beef, 1 lb.................... 3.89
Eggs, 1/2 doz. ......................... $1.70 (var. sizes & colors together!)
Baking Powder, Calumet............ 2.17
Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese... 4.96
Applesauce, 25 oz. IGA............. 3.11
Spaghetti Sauce, Ragu 26 oz...... 4.93
Pork & Beans, can..................... 1.22
Kiwi fruit, 1 whole....................... .67
Peanuts in shell, 10 oz............... 2.73
Spaghetti Squash, $1.97/lb......... 4.90
Peas, 1 lb. Frozen...................... 2.12
Skim Milk, 1 liter (shelf milk)....... 3.68
Margarine................................. 2.05
NOTE: This is finally the last entry I've been trying to catch up with! Next time I'll be current with the date posted.
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