Not much unpacking was done today… except for a second computer. I spent the day assembling Scott’s old computer desk, and setting up this desktop computer for both of us to use. That pretty much took most of the day!
I had trouble getting my antivirus program to work, so I ended up contacting Symantec for help. It was amazing to watch the tech “take over my computer” and make the adjustments from their location… probably India! I sat & watched my screen as the cursor moved about. They ended up removing all remnants of the program on my computer, then downloading a newer version & installed it… all while I watched!
Then I had trouble figuring out how to transfer my email messages from my laptop to here. Of course, in the process I lost a few messages… so if you sent me something today & didn’t hear back, try sending it again.
In the grocery stores, American brands are quite expensive. So until we figure out exactly what some of the local items ARE in the stores, our fridge is sparsely stocked. I asked Scott what he wanted for dinner tonight… hot dogs, canned tuna, or Spam? He suggested we walk down to the neighborhood mart to see what they have. I guess you could call it our local “convenience” store… Sunshine’s Shopping Mart. Turns out the only thing they had in the way of meat was chicken wings. We bought a pack of rolls, some onions, baked beans, and yeast for my breadmaker. Then we came home & fried up some Spam and opened a can of beans! Looks like we might have to head into town tomorrow.
But then, we always have the fresh fruit out of the backyard! Scott brought in a few avocados today. I tried one, but I don’t think they’re ripe yet… it was pretty bitter tasting. I was told they’re usually ready around mid-August.
Scott continued working in his shop… painting and installing fluorescent lighting. And I now have a dedicated transformer for my computer.
We’ve both started taking garlic pills a few times a day… hoping that helps with the mosquito bites. Personally… I don’t think it’s helping.
A number of hard rain showers today, along with lots of wind. I saw how the local birds get their “birdbaths”. During the rain I watched a dove sitting on the electric line outside my window… slowly lift up one wing, then alternating to the other. I guess there’s no need for wasting energy splashing around in a puddle!
Photo description: Sunshine's Shopping Mart
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