Just Imagine... It's September, and it's a presidential election year. Imagine not getting any political phone calls or tons of junk mail... or passing by the clutter of all the yard signs along the roads wherever you go. Do you think you would miss all that? Nah... we don't! I'd say it's even worth a few mosquito bites to not have to endure all the political banter! Yes, we are both following the headlines and planning to cast our votes by absentee ballot this year. It will definitely be an election for the history books!
Speaking of mail... we still haven't received our electric bill yet. Haven't heard anything from them since they called to tell us our bill was so low! (Maybe they decided it wasn't worth sending us a bill this month? Ha!)
I'm hearing that the weather in PA has gotten cooler, especially at night. I can tell you I certainly don't miss that either! Although it's been a bit cooler here the past few days (because of rain)... temp outside was down to 76 yesterday afternoon... I expect it will warm up as soon as the sun returns. Then we'll see the temp back up in the mid-80's again.
Since Scott finished all the screen doors, we've been sleeping with the door open (the one going out to the veranda), and it's been very comfortable... even without the fan running. While I continue to paint the house, Scott is the "doorman"... he's painting/staining all the interior doors now. (Every now & then he has to take a break to help me with the ladder.)
The weather was really bad yesterday... it poured! Since I couldn't paint, we took that opportunity to go to the bank & open a checking account. That took about an hour! We already have a savings account, so this should have been a breeze... you would think. We filled out so much paperwork! The girl brought out a well-worn manila file folder with the words "Personalised Cheques" handwritten on the front of it. Then she kept typing on her keyboard. (It seemed like she was writing a novel!) She pulled out a pack of checks, which looked like a loan payment booklet... the kind with a stub to the side of the check. These would be our temporary checks until we get our "personalised" ones. But first, she has to get our new account number on them. Now she pulls out one of those gigantic rubber stamps and dials in our 10-digit account number. Then she runs through and stamps each one of the 25 checks in that booklet! So now I ask about ordering checks, thinking we'll have to make that difficult decision of which design & color we can both agree on. She gives me the order form to fill out and I tell her I don't know what to enter for the "style". (She still hasn't shown me the designs available.) She then says, "You can get them like these (pointing to the temporary checks), or you can get them with a duplicate copy." That's it! Those are my only choices! Guess it made the decision a whole lot easier! So now we have a checking account here, which will make it a little easier paying our bills.
Well, that's all for today... Come back often for more!
Photo Description: A view of our living space... you can see my computer set-up on the left side. (This is my Photoshop & Skype station!)
Sad News... We think Mr. Big has met his maker. Neither of us had seen him all day today, and late this afternoon Scott discovered a dead lizard in the grass behind the carport. I think it was Mr. Big. I don't know what went on here last night, but I haven't seen Tail-less Joe today either. Although there are still a number of other lizards hanging around, those two seemed the tamest. We've seen Mr. Big just about every day since we arrived here.
You mention having a low electric bill. We should be so lucky here. PPL have been warning us our bills will increase by quite a bit over the next couple years. They are providing a means where we can 'bank' money with them to help cover future bills. Isn't that grand?
When I talk about "low" electric bills, it's all relative... the electric rates here in Grenada are more than 3 times what we were paying PPL (per KWH). I think it works out to about 10 cents/KWH.
Wow! Your living room is stunning! The floors are gorgeous.
Be careful with low or late electricity bills. Grenlec has a habit of "guess-timating" a month's usage on occasions when the meter-reading guy forgets to pass by, and then 3 months later you get hit with a colossal charge. A tip is to read your meter yourself and reconcile it with the bills when you get them. Also, Grenlec doesn't care if the bills ever actually get to you, so sometimes it's easier to just go into their office and pick up the bill.
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