Scott’s going to continue working on setting up his shop below, so I got to venture out on my own today. That means I’m driving alone to the market (on the wrong side of the road)! So I’m trying to think of all the obstacles along the way & wondering if I’m capable of doing it alone… getting down the driveway; getting UP the driveway; parking downtown (curbside)? So I’m thinking… there IS a bus that I could catch to take me! Nah…that’s a little scary too! OK, I can do this!
Grab my market basket, my shopping list, kiss Scott goodbye, and off I go! Made it down the driveway without a glitch! Not even coming CLOSE to running over anyone yet, so this really isn’t bad! The road to St. George’s is pretty good, and there wasn’t much traffic, so I didn’t have any trouble at all. I thought about stopping to check my mail on the way, but I can’t reach the box! (That will have to be Scott’s chore.) I parked the car, then walked about 10 min. to get to the market. I bought 3 tomatoes ($1.87), some green leaf lettuce ($1.12), and 4 small sweet potatoes ($1.12). Mostly I looked around to see where shops were. (I’m looking for someone to cut my hair… soon!)
I have a number of stops to make before heading back home. I have to stop by our friends’ house to drop off a hose & pick up payment for the refrigerator we brought for them. Wasn’t sure I’d be able to find their place by myself, but I did. They’re working on re-tiling the floor and replacing doors before the fridge gets installed. As soon as things settle down for them, we plan to have them over for breakfast some Sunday!
Well I made it home… AND up the driveway without incident! The rest of the day I just puttered around the house doing little odd jobs. Scott is still working on cleaning up his shop below. He made a lot of progress today… built some shelves (with the wood we used for crating our stuff), which made room for storage of some of the boxed items lying in the middle of the floor. He’s working on hanging some pegboard next, but I think he needs to paint the block wall first.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention… the ice cream truck went by this afternoon! Yep, there is a very loud musical truck that drives around the area selling ice cream! Just like home! (But I think he drives too fast… I don’t have time to get him to stop!)Photo description: Ice cream truck stopped across the valley.
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