Well, this might sound boring, but once again we arose to the sunshine hitting us on the face around 6 am! For those of you that really know me… you must be amazed that I’m up & about at that hour! We’re usually turning in around 9:00… don’t forget that it gets dark here around 6:45. So getting up early is easier.
First thing we did this morning was burn up a transformer! The electric used here is the same as in the UK… 220v 60hz, so everything from the US on 110v 50hz needs to go through a transformer. We only have a few of them set up with the proper cords, so we’re constantly moving them from one outlet to another. Scott was heating his breakfast in the microwave & the thing was actually smoking! I guess we’re going to need a bigger one to run the microwave and coffeemaker.
Yesterday I set up the living room… and in doing that all the extra boxes were moved to one of our 4 bedrooms. So today I picked through & organized the boxes in one bedroom. Most of the stuff in that room was my photography gear & office stuff. I had a few surprises, as some of the boxes weren’t marked with “everything” that was inside. So I actually found a few items I was looking for… but I still haven’t found my blender (which is very necessary for those frozen blender drinks)! Scott spent the day working on setting up his shop. He has to get his lighting installed before Monday… a “real” inspector is coming to inspect the electric work!
After a trip to a pretty decent electrical store, he came back with new transformers, adapters, and a pack of 5 light bulbs that we’ll have to take back… again. There are so many things on the packaging that you have to watch for & we keep missing it! The first time we unknowingly bought 110v bulbs (and blew one up in the socket). Then he went back to get the correct 220v bulbs… which he got. But the socket type is not what we can use. So guess what Scott’s doing tomorrow?
When people asked us “What are you going to do in Grenada?” There’s your answer! We spend days getting the simplest of chores done!
So I’m done working for the day, so I guess I’ll send this off… then go watch another episode of Law & Order (which seems to be on TV about 22 hours a day). And that’s another story I’ll tell later!
Signing off for now...
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