It’s Wednesday, and I’m finally able to get on line! I haven’t read a newspaper or watched TV since I arrived in Grenada… now more than a week ago! So tonight I’ve been scouring the web looking for the latest news in the US.
Since we received our container of “stuff” this past Monday, we’ve been spending our days unpacking. We are usually up with the daylight… around 5:30 or 6:00 am. This morning we finished off the last of the coffee from the urn… it was still warm! Decided to skip breakfast today & start right in on the boxes. Scott’s trying to locate his gas cans so he can get them filled & cut the grass with the weed trimmer. (Of course, we didn’t label any of the boxes with “gas can” because we didn’t want to be charged extra for “hazardous” items! So one by one, we diligently open the rest of the boxes. No time to put anything away yet… just get them opened & pile the stuff wherever there’s room!
We took a break around 10:00 and had an early lunch… leftover baked beans from last night and hot dogs heated in our new microwave (with the broken carousel dish). Then back to work! Scott continued going through his things in his shop below & I decided to work on getting the kitchen set up. There is so much cabinet space, I’m having trouble deciding what to put where! The cabinets will have to be torn out & replaced at some point, but for now they’ll have to do. The shelves are just bare wood & some of the door hinges are not working, but I’m happy that I have so much space!
By 3:15, I’m ready to call it quits, jump in the shower & get ready to go to town… we need groceries & some hardware for hooking up lamps. We also need to stop for gas, since he found the gas can!
First stop: Ace Hardware, who moved into this new building from their location downtown. This is a very nice hardware store, but I’m thinking that someone should be able to figure out how to keep the carts from rolling away outside the door… they have 2 rows of carts on either side of the automatic doors and they’re held in place with a loose 2x4 laying on the floor behind them. So you have to first kick the board out of the way to get your cart, then kick it back into place before the rest of the carts roll away! I just thought it was funny that a “hardware” store doesn’t have the thought to correct that! But that’s just the way things are here in the Caribbean!
Next stop: CK’s Groceries. This is a warehouse-style grocery store for buying in bulk. But things are not sold in the “bulk” quantities you would think… for instance, you can buy as few as 3 rolls of paper towels. Here, that’s considered “bulk”! Anyway, we’re not here for paper towels… we came to get a case of beer. Yep… beer, wine, and liquor are all sold in grocery stores here. This place is no bigger than the size of a CVS store.
By this time (it’s about 4:45), we decided to stop for something to eat. There’s a place called “La Boulangerie” that apparently makes the best pizza on the island… according to the brits we’ve met here. We’ve eaten here often, but today we both chose spaghetti with tomato sauce. That’s the first time I’ve ever had the pasta there… very good!
After that we drove over to the main grocery store on the island... Real Value Supermarket. This is a very large store (compared to others here), with a lot of American items. Some prices: $3.41 for 1 dozen eggs, $4.40 for 3 chicken legs/thighs, $2.00 for 8 chicken franks (hot dogs), $1.87 for a loaf of whole wheat bread, and $1.73 for 1 liter of “shelf” milk (the stuff that’s not refrigerated).
It wasn’t until we got up to leave the restaurant that I realized how tired I was! I could hardly move! Scott wanted to stop at another grocery store on the way, but I talked him out of it. I was ready to go home & kick back for the rest of the evening… which is usually only until around 9:00 these days!
So anyway, here I sit… in front of my glorious little laptop, jotting down the memorable moments (or not so memorable) of another day here in paradise! Scott’s working on getting a few lamps connected so we don’t have to use the overhead light in each room. (It gets dark here about 6:45 this time of year.) I’ll sign off for now so I can rest up for another day of unpacking tomorrow!
Photo description: the main shopping center where we get our groceries
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