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The Book Boat!

On Thursday, August 13 the ship Logos Hope arrived here in Grenada for about a 10-day visit. We had never heard of this ship, but we read about it in the local newspaper and decided to check it out. This non-profit organization has been sailing the world since 1970, and can house about 600 volunteers from 70 countries. They promote education, aid relief, social awareness, and a personal relationship with God in the ports & countries where they travel. They offer books for sale at very affordable prices... many of them religious books and text books. They had quite a selection of cook books and
children's books, as well as some games. They also had a pretty large variety of christian music available. It very much reminded me of a christian book store... only floating! There really aren't any big book stores here in Grenada. Although there are lots of places where you can "swap" books, it's hard to find a nice variety of books for sale all in one place. At one point during their stay, the ship had to move from the pier to find calmer seas. (Hurricane Bill did not affect us, but it made the seas a bit choppy along the shore lines.) They must have still had trouble when they tried to come back in the next morning because they ended up docked at the shipping dock in the Carenage... which is where our Windjammer ships used to dock. If you have some time, it's worth a visit to their website (click on their name above)... they even have a few webcams aboard the ship so you can see the view! And there's an
interesting video tour of the ship on their site as well.
Nothing much going on lately. As I mentioned, Hurricane Bill did not really affect us... except there was one day that was absolutely stifling hot with no breeze to be found! (I'm told that's because the hurricanes suck the moisture up and away from us as they pass by.) We're watching another weather development that's off the coast of Africa and may become another hurricane. Apparently, this one is beginning lower than usual and causes Grenadians to hold their breath as they wait for it to turn north.
Our hash last Saturday
actually should have been called a "mud slide"! It rained quite a bit earlier in the day... and looked like it might rain on us during the hash. (I think many of us would have welcomed the rain, thinking maybe it would wash some of the mud off!) I slid off a boulder in the stream and ended up to my thighs in water... then managed to go through the rest of the trail with squishy, muddy boots. YUK!
(It was fun though, seeing all the first-timer hashers at the end of this one!)
I'm still working on painting my stone wall in the master bedroom. The stones are finished, but I'm slowly adding some greenery (and lizards) to make it look more realistic. Watch for another blog entry in the next day or two & I'll post some photos of it!
Until then...
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